There are many benefits to kids cooking. Kids learn to follow directions, focus, and be safe in the kitchen. It also helps them learn to problem solve and take pride in making a finished product. However, kids cooking also has its risks, which is why safety is key.
It is important to assign kids tasks based on their ages and development in the kitchen. Toddlers can help with rinsing fruits and stirring and mashing soft foods. They shouldn’t be given unreasonable task like handling the oven and chopping fruits with sharp knives. However, older kids can definitely take on those large responsibilities.
For every child to be safe while helping out in the kitchen, there are safety tips and products that can help. The big question is, is it possible to be 100% safe with kids cooking? This article will give some tips for safety when cooking with kids. It will also give some good product suggestions for kids cooking.
Safety precautions that should be adhered to for making cooking fun with kids can be grouped into three stages. Tips before entering the kitchen, while in the kitchen and when you’re done cooking with them.

Kids Cooking: Before Entering the Kitchen
- The first tip is the availability of an adult for supervision before the little ones are granted access. Kids cooking is fun but could end with tears when handled carelessly. You need to be there from start to finish. Never leave them out of sight.
- Kids with long hair should have it tied up to prevent hair getting dipped in food and or fire.
- Kids should wear aprons and accessories that fit so they do not get caught or catch fire. These aprons and oven mitts are available for kids cooking.
- Hands should be washed thoroughly with soap and warm water before handling food. Also while cooking, hands cleaning should be rewashed regularly during cooking, to prevent cross-contamination.
- Lastly, it’s obligatory for adults to make kids understand what you’re cooking. Reading recipes to them and designating roles will make it a collective effort. Check out this recipe book for junior chefs.
Kids Cooking: Safety When in the Kitchen
- Kids should not run around nor rush any task. When they are allowed to do things hastily or run, the chance of getting hurt is higher.
- Never leave any cooking unattended.
- Always help smaller children when using knives or blenders. These knives are good for kids cooking.
- It’s quite easy to get distracted when you have kids around in the kitchen. It’s advisable to use a timer with the oven not to burn the food.
- Never leave sharp objects at the edge of tables as things can be knocked over easily.
- Point pan handles away from edges of tables to prevent spills.
- Keep them at a safe distance away from fire or heated object.

Kids Cooking: Tips for After Cooking
- It is important that kids cooking also learn to clean up after the meal is made. It may also help to teach them to use as few dishes as possible.
- They can assist with washing and putting away all dishes, ingredients and any small utensils you may have used while cooking.
- Before your team (you and the kids) head out of the kitchen, check that all burners and oven (or any other appliances used) are turned off before leaving the kitchen. Never ask the kids to do that for you no matter what.
- Help promote the meal that your children made. Tell everyone about it. Help them take pride in completing tasks.
Kids Cooking: Products
As children start out in the kitchen, having some kid-specific products will help with fun and safety. Here are some aprons, cookbooks, knives, kits that we mentioned above:
Bringing your kids into the kitchen to help with meal prep can teach them how to problem solve and focus. It will also help them learn safety and to take pride in accomplishing tasks. Hopefully, the above tips will help you with kids cooking.
Please leave us a comment and share your experience with kids cooking. Also, check out our article about the best kids' knives.
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