Peanut oil is great for frying because it has a high smoke point so it is good for deep-frying. It is used by major fast food chains to fry French fries and onion rings. Peanut oil is a vegetable oil. It has a high smoke point of 448 degrees. However, temperature is important when frying. You need to fry below the oil’s smoke point, but high enough that the oil is not seeping into your food, making it greasy and unhealthy. It is high in resveratrol, which helps fight heart disease and can reduce your risk of cancer. It is high in the good fat (monosaturated) and low in the bad fat (saturated). If you find that you need peanut oil, but you do not have it in your pantry, we have compiled a list of peanut oil substitutes for you.

Peanut Oil Substitute #1: Sunflower Oil
Sunflower oil is a great substitute because like peanut oil, it has a high smoke point. Sunflower oil has health benefits as well: it has vitamin E and contains omega-6 fatty acid. It can be a great substitute for butter as well.
Canola oil is also often used for frying due to its high smoke point. It is a vegetable oil made from rapeseeds. Most of the world’s canola crop is genetically modified as it is manufactured by Monsanto. Canola oil (7%) has less saturated fat than sunflower oil (9%). However, like most vegetable oils, it is made from an unnatural process that may create trans fats. Regardless, if you are in a pinch and need a peanut oil replacement, canola oil is a good option.
The safflower plant is related to the sunflower plant. Safflower oil has a high smoke point and is flavorless. The safflower oil is also suitable for deep frying and has health benefits. It contains omega-6 excellent for lowering your cholesterol. It has a unique property which is the fact that doesn't solidify at a low temperature so it can be used over salads.
Canola, corn, safflower, sunflower, and peanut oils are all considered vegetable oils. Vegetable oil is a generic type of oil that is usually contains a mixture of other oils like corn, canola, or soy. However, it is an inexpensive, versatile option. It can be used for everyday cooking and for frying. It has a high smoke point, but it is unstable due to the high polyunsaturated fats, which makes it inflammatory. You can use this as a peanut oil substitute, but it is not the healthiest option.

Avocado is considered a fruit oil. It is a much healthier option than any of the vegetable oils. Avocado oil is made by pressing avocados to extract oils; it is a much more natural process. It has heart-healthy oleic acid and has healthy fats. It also can be used for high-temperature cooking. You may in fact, want to use avocado oil as a substitute for peanut oil all the time.
Coconut oil is another fruit oil. It is also a healthier option than the vegetable oils. It can be used for high-temperature cooking. It does have a coconut flavor so you need the expeller pressed oil to avoid the flavor.

Your best options for a substitute for peanut oil are the fruit oils: avocado and coconut. They have high smoke points, but are much healthier than the unstable vegetable oils. Either way, next time you need peanut oil substitutes, you have a good list.
Please leave us a comment for what you have used as a peanut oil substitute. Also, you may enjoy finding out other substitutes for Dijon mustard, cottage cheese, and port wine.
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