Good snacks for toddlers can be hard to find. As a mom, you are always looking for snacks that are healthy and not too sugary. But sometimes, you don’t care about any of that because you just want them to get into their car seat or to listen so whatever their favorite snack is, you will give it in the moment. But their favorite snacks can be healthy (sometimes without them even knowing). My son loves yogurt popsicles because we have always recognized them as something to have after eating a good dinner- basically, dessert. But in our house, a yogurt popsicle is just frozen, low-sugar yogurt in a cool dinosaur mold.
We have compiled a list of snacks for toddlers because we know they can be really important for car rides and general bribery. But we also know as moms, we want our toddlers to have the healthiest snacks possible. So here is our good snacks for toddlers.

Snacks For Toddlers
Frozen fruits: frozen grapes are all the hype. Cut them in half, freeze them. Kids love them, but I have found more success with frozen blueberries. My two-year old is very particular about blueberries so if they are mushy, he will not eat them. However, when they are frozen, he does not notice. It is a great way to preserve blueberries before they go bad. And it is such an easy snack! Frozen blueberries are the best snack for toddlers.
Fruit salsa: I love this fruit salsa. It has kiwi, strawberry, apple, and some sugar so my kiddo loves it. This is one of the easiest, best snacks for toddlers. My two-year old eats it plain with a spoon as more of a dessert, but you can also serve it with pita chips.

Beefy jerky: So this might seem silly, but when we go on an outing that I know is going to get us home close to nap/lunch time, I use beef jerky as the toddler car snack. My toddler loves it; it is full of protein so if he falls asleep before lunch, I know he can still get a good nap without waking up hungry. Obviously, I do not want my toddler to live on beef jerky because it can be high in sodium and you have to be careful with choking, but it is a pretty good option for a snack for toddlers.
Muffins: Muffins can have a high sugar content, but if you find a good bran muffin, it is a great toddler snack. If you have a toddler like mine, who stresses you out with every BM, then you are a believer (or should be) in bran muffins. We recently started giving him the ones with raisins so he would eat more of the bran muffin. It helps him with his poops so I am all for it. Also, they are very easy to make and freeze. I pull them from the freezer for breakfast. We also add blueberry muffins to the mix so my son does not get sick of the bran muffins, but there are so many muffin options that let you sneak in vegetables! Generally, as long as they are low on sugar, muffins are a good toddler snack.

Apple Chips: Thinly sliced apple chips, ground cinnamon, and white sugar are all you need to make Cinnamon Apple Chips. The secret is baking the chips at a low temperature. If you run out of time- like me everyday, there are some great apple, coconut, and other fruit chips to buy with low sugar from Bare.
Smoothies: Getting your kid involved in the kitchen helps him learn directions and precautions. Toddlers are old enough to help you make smoothies. Smoothies are such a great toddler snack. We have a smoothie every afternoon when my two-year old runs out of steam. He likes to help put in the frozen spinach, frozen bananas, fresh strawberries, frozen mango, and fresh Greek yogurt. I let him push the pulse button so he feels as though he has made it. It gives toddlers so much nutrition for the day!
Yogurt Popsicles: Every night my two year old asks for a ygur pskl. We use Sigi’s yogurt because it is one of the brands with the lowest sugar. I put it into the dinosaur mold, and then I have the best dessert out there. I just use vanilla, but you can use any flavor your kid prefers. My kid thinks it is the same as ice cream so best toddler snack ever.
There are so many good snacks for toddlers. We have given you just a few. If you have some more suggestions, we would love to hear from you in the comments.
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